Humanity Archive
Karim Sulayman is an Arab-American tenor from Chicago. Ten days after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Sulayman teamed up with filmmaker Meredith Kaufman Younger to perform a trust experiment.
By the Hon. Marshall Murray Judge of the Circuit Court of Milwaukee Member of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges One of the most important duties for any court system is to ensure that youth in …
How grateful are you for the things you receive and I believe more importantly, the people you interact with that put them into your hands? Here’s a brief tale of two men with whom I had a short interaction with yesterday; …
The number of children in foster care has increased for the third straight year. Foster parent shortages have been reported in at least 24 states, with children staying in offices and hotels. The move by some states to close residential …
A Family’s Goal is met with Community SupportSarah Davenport, FCNI StaffSupporter Spotlights Gifts come in all shapes and sizes—from extravagant, to handmade, or sentimental and even humorous. While every gift given for the pure joy of its recipient is meaningful, …
The Vera Institute of Justice, using a $2.2 million matching grant from the Justice Department, is working with five state corrections departments on reducing the use of solitary confinement of prisoners, a strategy that is disproportionately employed on young wards. …
Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will vote on a motion aimed at “enhancing” and “expanding” the county’s patchwork of home visiting programs.
Every day in the news, we see case after case of children and teens accused of committing very adult crimes, including assaults, rapes and even murders. In many cases, adolescents and teens simply do not possess a full understanding of …
Donald Trump ran on a platform to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and select judges to the Supreme Court that would challenge the Roe v. Wade decision — a message that is now sending shockwaves through the healthcare community …
Tír gan teanga, Tír gan anam. Padraig Pearse A country without a language is a country without a soul. Gaelic Saying Stories are formed from words, which are the building blocks of language. Each letter, each word is nuanced by the …