Humanity Archive
Last month, California State Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) introduced a bill aimed at decreasing the rate of unintended pregnancies for the state’s foster youth. “California has undergone a significant demographic change, with a full one in four youth in foster …
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision today in Bethune-Hill v. Virginia State Board of Elections, finding that the trial court used the wrong standard when deciding that race did not predominate in the drawing of 11 of Virginia’s state …
The research into women veterans and homelessness has been almost nonexistent until the last few years. For a long time, it was wrongly assumed that whatever was driving women veterans into homelessness must just be like the factors that …
Despite a large number of individuals passionately protecting individuals from injustices in the society, one group of people worries that they will always be vulnerable targets. Obese people have had to accept social stigma as part of their lives.
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion calling on county agencies to implement the state’s plan for preventing unintended pregnancies amongst foster youth. The state plan, “California’s Plan for the Prevention of Unintended Pregnancies for …
A study completed in November by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health suggests the racial make-up of a neighborhood may have a greater influence on the racial disparities in youth …
Love. That insurmountable beast of burden that philosophers, poets, and polymaths have toiled to categorize. Too often, we are poised to search for it, rather than seeking to bring it into being.
In an effort to highlight the most important issues identified by foster youth, advocacy organization Foster Youth in Action conducted a poll last October of more than 500 foster youth. Results indicated that sibling visitation, homelessness prevention, college access and …
It is important, this year more than ever, to reach beyond flowers, chocolates, and heart-shaped gifts to the love that binds us to family, friends, and community. Too many among us now live in fear of losing those they hold …