Humanity Archive
“I don’t mind them being here, as long as they are here legally.” Let’s look at this statement, as I hear it frequently. Really frequently. I’ll start by saying the “them” that is being referenced are immigrants. And let’s face …
A new policy from the federal agency that detains unaccompanied, undocumented children has sparked questions about their ability to obtain fair legal representation. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on July 5 that unaccompanied minors may not be held …
PHOTO BY © Dmytro Dudchenko | This past weekend 2020 Mom, in partnership with the March of Dimes, launched March for Moms®, a walk to raise awareness for maternal mental health and related disorders, including depression and anxiety. …
When 16-year-old Ramon* was caught in possession of stolen property — a stereo that had been lifted from a high school — a judge in Alameda County’s juvenile court placed him on probation. Like many youth across the state, Ramon’s …
Last week, the Aging Out Institute (AOI) announced a new award designed to recognize individuals who are helping foster youth to succeed when they leave foster care. AOI introduced the eight judges for its inaugural AOI Best Practice Awards, including …
Yeah, I know, the title makes it appear that was what was written on a ticket, but I’d like you to decide what happened that day. It has been a struggle for me to articulate my words over the past …
'I' have hope and passion and belief in social justice. The embodied 'me' too often feels defeated, especially when my body is behaving badly. The curious separation of ‘I’ and ‘me’ mainly occurs at times of duress, and I wonder …
It is widely recognised that there is much learning to be gained from reviewing our mistakes, looking at what went wrong and how and why it did. However, what is often given far less attention than it deserves is the …
A plan released by the Los Angeles County Probation Department this week calls for shuttering six of the county’s juvenile detention camps over the next two years. The proposal would also relocate girls currently housed in the other camps into …
A subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing yesterday entitled “Juvenile Justice Reform in the Modern Era.” They heard from juvenile justice officials in Georgia (Joe Vignati), Indiana (Devon McDonald), Liz Ryan of Youth First and Jim SaintGermain, a …