Education Archive
In the article “Denver Schools’ Rebellion not the One They Wanted” The Washington Times discusses some verbiage that was recently added to the teacher-assessment criteria in the Denver, Colorado School District which has causes quite an outcry. The wording would determine …
The disparities between educational attainment in poor vs. wealthy communities is well documented, however, not often discussed is one simple reason why. I first encountered the concept of “word deficit” during one of my MSW courses. The basic premise is …
The teacher’s strike in Chicago might be reaching a tipping point as the mayor and other officials seek to end the walk out by whatever means necessary. The strike, propelled forward by education reforms is fighting against changes the teacher’s …
The teacher’s strike in Chicago might be reaching a tipping point as the <a href=" " title="Mayor says he'll sue">mayor and other officials seek to end the walk out by whatever means necessary.</a> The strike, propelled forward by education reforms …
In the wake of the Chicago’s Teacher’s Union call for more social workers in school, the NASW IL is calling for an improvement in the ratio between student body numbers and social workers on staff in schools. This is not a …
<p>These days it's not often we hear about the triumphs of protest, and union resolve righting an injustice, but in Chicago that is precisely what has happened. In August Chicago's Social Justice High School,<a href="" title="Social Justice High School Teachers"> fired two …