Education Archive
Three years ago, the story about how Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, tried a new approach to school discipline and saw suspensions drop 85% struck a nerve. It went viral – twice — with more than 700,000 page views. …
I had been asleep for a few hours when I answered the call. At first, I did not realize it was my work cell phone. The caller on the other end was sobbing uncontrollably and in the background I could hear someone …
By Stefano Montanari As she gets ready for her daily visits as a community health worker, Nomfusi Nquru makes sure that she has not forgotten her new tablet. A trained mentor mother with the Philani Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition …
From filmmaker Julie Bayer Salzman’s description on YouTube: The inspiration for “Just Breathe” first came about a little over a year ago when I overheard my then 5-year-old son talking with his friend about how emotions affect different regions …
Although there have been some variations in the way bullying has been defined, a general consensus has emerged which is seen as a form of aggressive behavior in which there is an imbalance of power favoring the perpetrators who repeatedly …
Kimberly Cervantes, student-plaintiff in law suit against Compton Unified School District in California. A landmark first step was taken today to insure that all public schools in the United States be legally required to address the unique learning needs of …
In January of 2015, Governor Lawrence J Hogan, Jr. assumed office making him only the second Republican Governor for the state of Maryland in the past 46 years. Hogan’s predecessor, Martin O’Malley, brought impactful social changes to the state during his incumbency, many …
By Mindy L Kornhaber, Pennsylvania State University “Opt Out,” a civil disobedience movement against state-mandated testing in elementary and secondary education, is growing rapidly across the United States. Last year, Opt Out protests occurred in about half the states. This …
Believe it or not, although 70 percent of the adults incarcerated in our nation’s county jails lack a high school diploma, only one jail – San Francisco County Jail #5 in San Bruno, CA – offers inmates the opportunity …
California’s record drought is driving a lot of change with public alarm matching the rising temperature. According to a recent poll, a record 94 percent of Californians “believe that the drought is serious, and one-third support mandatory rationing.” The drought …