Victoria Brewster, MSW Archive
Today, I had the fortune and opportunity to meet an individual trained and working as a social worker in the Montreal area who is now running for political office in his borough as a city councillor; Alain Vaillancourt with Projet …
Recently I was able to attend the Canadian National Form on Patient Experience, and felt that my experiences were worth sharing with the SJS community. The conference opened with Dr. Vaughan Glover, CEO, Canadian Association for People-Centered Health (CAPCH) who …
SJS considers it quite an honor to review a new social work book and this book is certainly worth reading. The book discusses a, ‘basket of stories’ from Ogden W. Rogers life from the perspective of a seasoned social worker. …
The more I read on the issue of the Charter of Quebec Values, I wonder whose values are these? Not mine. I agree with separation of ‘church and state,’ but this is so much more than that. ‘It was originally …
If the Canadian federal government is leaving medical care and health care to the provinces, making transfer payments only and allowing each province to implement its own services, than why are they not doing the same with assisted suicide? How …
Two amazing books that are a must read both for parents and teachers, and really anyone who works with children are Rafe Esquith’s, Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire and Lighting Their Fires. This is the teacher you want for your …
Social media allows for professionals to connect in a way that we could not in the past. On one of the NASW groups on LinkedIn, I came across a link by a social worker, Kerry Baharanyi, regarding a petition she had …
Everyone experiences fear, anxiety and stress at some point in their life, but not everyone does to the point that the symptoms overwhelm them. Stanley Popovich is an individual who has struggled with fear and anxiety for over 20 years. …
One of the premises of SJS, is writing on and sharing issues that require advocacy, raising awareness of issues and supporting fellow social workers. We received a request through our Facebook page from a social worker who was having difficulty in …
A fabulous leadership book which has important lessons for any profession is Mandela’s Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love and Courage by Richard Stengel. Where Westernized society is focused on individualism, with its roots in the Renaissance, the culture that Mandela …