Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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GOP Might Finally Agree: Kick Out The Scientists

Congress might be agreeing on something in today’s policy making. Democrats and Republicans alike are taking a stand against a bill that would grant green cards to foreigners who graduate with advance degrees in areas like <a href=" " title="Educate and ship them out">science, math, engineering and technology</a>. Educating them isn’t the issue, the argument that we are paying for their studies is already determined, however, the current practice is to wave good-bye once they are handed the diploma. What’s the sense? The argument is that we cannot afford to grant green cards while American citizens have such a high unemployment rate. Again, the argument is invalid, one thing has nothing to do with another. Employing these individuals with such advance degrees could probably stimulate the economy and overall growth of our society through the impact these areas have. <br />
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This is especially an issue given how many Americans are going into these vital fields. With our failing education system, we are not keeping up with the rest of the world. Until that is fixed, the outcome has been a decrease in advanced fields such as the ones mentioned in this policy. As always, many of the opposition feels that it is promoting illegal immigration. How? I don’t know, green cards and education were legal ways of entering a country the last time I checked. The difference is that the word ‘immigrant’ has become riddled with negative connotations recent years. So instead we are educating some of the brightest minds in the world, only to kick them out once they could begin giving back to a society in that field. Forgive me if I’m not understanding the ideology. Diversifying our perspectives by bringing in people from different areas into highly competitive field could dramatically improve research, infrastructure, education…you name it. <br />
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So what’s the issue? Weigh in on your thoughts.<br />

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