Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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Where has Occupy Wall Street Been?

There was a huge amount of fuss over “mayday”. I heard statements such as “the movement will be back”, and “will be bigger then ever”. I was skeptical because their rejection of organizing principles was a clear statement that they misunderstand the issues in the country. It is not the mechanism by which business operates that makes their behavior unethical, it is their motivations based greed that creates an issue. It would be like blaming the gun for the murder; although that isn’t an unheard of argument either come to think of it. If the motivation of a business was to benefit their shareholders, AND the society that allows it to operate, then there would be less issues with the type of greed we are seeing. It is not unheard of that a billionaire grows a conscience, i.e. Warren Buffer and Bill Gates. I digress, Occupy rejected the first task in creating a business; they never derived a mission and a vision statement. Maybe a person could gain some insight into their mission and vision if they were to spend a few months in Zucotti Park, but what about the millions who simply watched it on TV? How are they supposed to emotional connect to a movement that does not give them something simple to identify with? The absence of Occupy is a direct result of their inability to incorporate good management practices into their organization. One look at the methods, and message, of the Civil Rights movement will demonstrate that a focused direction is important to create sustained direct action. The Occupy “brand” is worth cultivating, but they need leadership and they need it badly.

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