There is a sense of hopelessness in the world; this understanding that the problems are too large and the people too small. Everyone seems to “know” that there will always be corruption, greed, and hatred. Everyone except one somewhat obscure group of people who go about their business everyone day seeking peace and love for the sake of others; namely Social Workers.
You know, I don’t give a damn what the public thinks of Social Workers or what we do, its the sort of experience that you can only understand when you are on the inside. I fell in love with Social Work the first semester of my first year of grad school. I, like so many of my peers, walked into those rooms and for the first time found myself surrounded by a group of people I could relate to, together we found a place where we belonged. We were all labeled, dreamers, do-gooders, bleeding hearts, and Utopians when separated, but when we came together we became something much more.
Courtney and I started SJS because we believe in our profession. We believe the world is better for Social Work, and the world can be made better if Social Workers can figure out a way to unite their voices. It’s in the mission of SJS, Social Work is unique in that at its heart is a code of ethics that binds our conduct and vision. How is this world going to heal if the healers are not the ones leading it? The world has forgotten that healers do not just mend bones, but hearts as well. In fact the world has forgotten that leaders do not build economies, but communities.
That’s why I love Social Work, whether we succeed or fail in our grand visions, our efforts systematically restore that most necessary element of change: hope. When I walked into that class, my hope, my belief that change can happen was restored. Now all we have to do is convince the rest of the world.
Written by Matthew Cohen
SJS Staff Writer
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I had this same realization in my introduction to social work course in my second year of undergraduate school. I fell in love and never looked back. It has been 28 years since that course changed my life. There has never been any regret. Social work is one of those professions where the possibilities are endless. Now I am working on my PhD in Social Work and I find my self as enthusiastic, if not more, about the profession.
Love it Ellen, don’t forget about us when your doing your research!
Well said, Matthew Cohen!
Thanks so much for this—you have put into words what is so hard to explain about this profession. Six months ago I lost my job in our local school district as a result of budget cuts. As I was sobbing on the phone with my sister she said, “Maybe you should look at doing something else for a while. You could make a whole lot more money and it wouldn’t be so emotionally stressful.” Even though she may have been right, I would never consider leaving social work. I can’t imagine doing anything else and frankly, there is nothing else I want to do! Thankfully after losing that job I have landed on my feet and am now teaching in an MSW program. The best part of that is the opportunity to light that fire for social work in others.
Hi Matthew, I had that same kind of experience when I began my social work program. It was like I had come home! I knew that was where I was supposed to be. Now, I graduate in June with my BSSW! Yay!
Congrats Georgianna, do you have future plans to continue on?
Social work is not an easy profession, but it is incredibly rewarding.
Thank you Matthew! Congratulations!
Thank you SO much for writing this article!! I am just starting Social Work in September, and when I am asked what program I am going to school for and I say Social work, all I have gotten were disapproving looks and snotty comments. This year I had been volunteering at an agency which definitely solidified that helping people and trying to make a greater impact on other people’s lives is what I want to do with my life. Looking on the internet there are SO many negative articles about social work, it is so nice to see something so positive and uplifting! So thank you!!
Thank you for having the courage to stand up and be a helper. It always makes my day. Good luck in your studies!
This really inspired me and I just posted this to my Facebook page.
“I fell in love with Social Work the first semester of my first year of grad school. I, like so many of my peers, walked into those rooms and for the first time found myself surrounded by a group of people I could relate to, together we found a place where we belonged.”
I am 40 year old, returning student. 10 years ago, I was strung out on heroin, with nothing going on. Now I am finishing my BA and I am really look forward to my first day of my first quarter or semester of my MSW. It has been six-years of school and several 1000 hours of volunteer time to get to this point. Honestly, when I started, I never saw myself even getting this far. I take my last final for winter quarter this evening. Then, 10 more weeks of Spring to go and (sadly) goodbye UC Riverside! I have been guaranteed a slot at one school, waiting on two others to make their decisions, and the best financial aid package and program wins (me).
This is an awesome page! I am grateful that you guys are committed to posting good stuff consistently.
We are very happy to have you and congrats on such a long journey, but I suspect you there is more to come. Keep us posted!