Why is medication management for the treatment of heroin/opiate addiction scorned by so many? According to a recent Boston Globe article, “Heroin Epidemic Exposes Deficiencies In Care System” (http://b.globe.com/1iNFmzo), Ms. Jacobs, Director of Substance Abuse Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acknowledged, “medications are not used as much as they could be for opiate addictions because of stigmas attached to them, she said.” I agree, but while we watch endless commercials about the benefits of nicotine replacement medications, or how to treat illnesses such as urinary incontinence or erectile dysfunction; I wonder where are the public service announcements addressing the heroin/opiate epidemic and the proven benefits of outpatient cost effective medication management? Where are the public service announcements that clearly demystify common misperceptions, such as crime increases when there is a treatment center in one’s community. In fact, there is a 50% to 80% reduction in crime by heroin addicts when in treatment. (http://bit.ly/OVVRfh ; http://1.usa.gov/1dtb42B)
We read about the blame for the heroin epidemic, but rarely do we address a complex underlying issue – that we as Americans want instant results and we want total pain relief after an injury or procedure. Injudicious prescribing of pain medications undeniably contributes to the problem, but this is not the only reason we have an unabated heroin epidemic. Other factors include: the war in Afghanistan, which directly led to a surge in heroin production; the reconstitution of Oxycontin pills, so they could not as easily be used to “shoot up” or “snort”, resulting in more persons turning to heroin as a drug of choice; the increased availability of opiates through the internet; inadequate mental health treatment services resulting in some patients “self-medicating”; and the lack of addiction treatment facilities due to a common community approach of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) along with the stigma associated with seeking treatment for the disease of addiction. Despite the arrest of kingpins and drug pushers, big and small, we still have a supply and demand problem. The supply of heroin has increased and cost is down to as little as $4/bag. As fast as we take drug pushers off the streets, they are replaced by others – there is too much money involved. We must focus on the demand side of the issue.
If outpatient treatment is not more widely accepted and available, inappropriate hospitalizations and incarcerations of patients will continue. But how many elected officials openly support establishing treatment centers in their community? We all know heroin addicts, albeit we may not know who they are. They could be any one of a number of patients I have treated: your plumber; the mailman; your kid’s college professor; the IRS agent who audited your tax return; the person selling flowers at the corner; the principal of an elementary school (http://bit.ly/1m6XMbL); someone who works in a mayor’s office (http://bo.st/1hbtN20); or a family member.
There is a belief among some public health officials that we are offering sufficient heroin/opiate outpatient treatment but a recent study showed that less than 20% of individuals needing addiction treatment actually received treatment (http://1.usa.gov/1hYRzvX). Another study found that only 1 in 10 people with addiction involving alcohol or drugs other than nicotine receive any form of treatment and that “most medical professionals who should be providing addiction treatment are not sufficiently trained to diagnose or treat the disease, and most of those providing addiction care are not medical professionals and are not equipped with the knowledge” (http://bit.ly/1o2l3Ax). Are we willing to accept as status quo the present system of unnecessarily hospitalizing or incarcerating patients? We are wasting tax dollars: it costs up to $50,000 or more per year to incarcerate (http://bit.ly/1iBKSlg ; http://nyti.ms/NW5dGQ) and $5,000 per year for outpatient treatment (http://bit.ly/1rCh3G6). A concerted public health initiative to destigmatize outpatient medication management is a much more cost effective solution. “There are things besides beds that are effective in this system,” Jacobs said. “More people should see this treatment as a viable option.” (http://b.globe.com/1iNFmzo)
There should be just as many public service announcements about addiction as there are Viagra and Cialis commercials. In addition, expansion of addiction treatment services in jails would help to mitigate much of the revolving door phenomenon. Furthermore, we should demand that our medical schools and hospitals improve addiction training of our physicians. While there is plenty of blame to go around, let’s focus on the solutions. The scourge of addiction is in all of our yards. The solution is to decrease the demand with bold public initiatives and a change in attitude. It is both the humanitarian and fiscally responsible thing to do.
Written By Steven Kassels, M.D.
SOLUTIONS TO THE HEROIN & OPIATE EPIDEMIC was originally published @ Addiction on Trial and has been syndicated with permission.
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I could not agree with you more, Dr. Kassels. In my opinion, millions of dollars are wasted by governments (national, state and local) to create marketing campaigns that do nothing. Everyone already knows drugs are bad for you, but those commercials are doing nothing to change the face of addiction on the streets. Providing treatment is the only way we will ever make a dent in the addiction epidemic. That means people are going to have to get their hands dirty and I just don’t believe the majority of our society is willing to do that. Evidence of that thought is shown when credible treatment facilities are established, only to have their neighbors protesting in the streets and claiming their property will either be vandalized or have its value depreciated. Treatment centers are demonized by citizens until a number of those same citizens discover that THEIR children are addicts…and they change their tune. Ignorance, in my opinion, is the biggest roadblock to recovery.
Your comments are quite valid. We need our public officials at the local, state and federal levels to step forward in a proactive way. This is one reason I have set up discussion groups by Skype. Please see: http://addictionontrial.com/author-events/
Thanks, Steve