Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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Tell The NFL To Go Purple For Domestic Violence

The National Football League has a long track record of supporting the fight against breast cancer, but is generally silent when it comes to the nation’s problems with domestic violence. 1 in 4 woman and 1 in 6 men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. When compared to 1 in 8 woman and 1 in 800 men affected by breast cancer the dire nature of the situation is revealed. In addition, a woman is abused by her husband/partner every 15 seconds and each day three woman due of domestic violence. The NFL’s efforts for breast cancer are noble and no one is saying that they should be discontinued, but given the statistics there is every reason to ask the NFL take the lead in the fight against domestic violence.

ARK Harbor and Acts of Random Kindness are promoting an ongoing event (a Facebook based petition of sorts) to urge the NFL to go purple for Domestic Violence:

While we feel like it is great that the NFL has worn pink in October to support breast cancer awareness there is another epidemic that is not a medical issue alone, but one which can be stopped by every individual. October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month and public support is a must. Education of the warning signs, the ways to help, the ways to heal must be brought to the forefront.

Every person has the power to end domestic violence so Stand with us and tell the NFL to wear purple in October 2014 for the other epidemic in America and the world.

Over the month of October 2013, this event and the movement has begun to gain steam. “What we started at ARK Harbor as a way to raise awareness has become a movement it seems,” says Founder and Executive Director, Justin Nutt. “Multiple petitions have been started, Facebook and Twitter hash tag #gopurple has been used all month.”

ARK Harbor is asking everyone to sign this petition urging the NFL to Go Purple for domestic violence in October,2014. As Nutt said “Domestic Violence while a social issue which each person can fight to end is spoken of in passing and then treated as a taboo subject.  If the idea is to truly raise awareness of an epidemic then one seldom spoke of if where focus should be.” Let’s raise awareness and start the fight against domestic violence.

–Sign The Petition Now–



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