Everyone experiences fear, anxiety and stress at some point in their life, but not everyone does to the point that the symptoms overwhelm them. Stanley Popovich is an individual who has struggled with fear and anxiety for over 20 years. He is an individual who learned to manage his symptoms and wrote his own book, “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear” to share with others. The techniques discussed within combine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Relaxation techniques with a spiritual/religous twist.
Discuss your own experience with fear and anxiety-
When I was young, I realized that I had more fears and worries than most people. At first it was tough, but gradually I accepted my situation and made the best of it. I was determined to find the most effective ways to overcome my fears by reading many books and talking to counselors. I then tried different techniques and kept a diary of what worked and what didn’t work. Eventually, my notes became “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear.”
What methods/techniques did you try for the symptoms?
I used all of the methods mentioned in my book. Examples are: positive self-talk, self-imagery, exercise, talking to others, etc. Each fearful situation is different and this requires different techniques in overcoming your fears. During my 20 years of personal experience dealing with fear, I discovered what I consider to be the most useful techniques in dealing with fear, anxiety, and depression and this inspired me to write a book on what was most effective in combating fear.
Discuss the book in more detail-
My book consists of 3 popular ways of dealing with fear which is basic psychology techniques, Non-resistant methods and the help of God. Each chapter focuses on techniques which are best to use in various situations. My book then talks about using all 3 methods at the same time which gives the reader a broader range in overcoming their fears. My book is simple, easy to read, and provides the reader many ideas on how to overcome their fears. People who read my book are given the option to pick and choose the techniques that work best in their own life.
What is your hope for either professionals or individuals facing their own fears and anxiety when reading your book?
My main hope is that my book will help (each individual) relieve their suffering from fear, anxiety, depression, and addiction. I know exactly that pain and hopelessness when your fears and mental health issues overwhelm you. My hope is that my experiences will prevent this from happening to others.
Why should people read your book?
People should read my book because my book has over 100 different techniques in how to manage fear and anxiety. My book has been reviewed by various professionals in the counseling and religious fields and I have over 100 book reviews on Amazon. For more information please go to www.managingfear.com
How are you qualified to write this book?
- I have more than 20 years of personal experience in dealing my own personal struggles. I have used the power of god to help overcome my fears; I have used self imagery, exercises, positive affirmations, and many other techniques over the years to help overcome my fears and anxieties.
- I have interviewed various counselors and clergyman and added their input into my book.
- My book was reviewed and approved by various counselors and clergyman before it was published.
- I have been interviewed on many TV and Radio stations throughout the U.S. regarding my book. My articles that talk about how to deal with fear and anxiety have also been published in various magazines around the world.
- For more info, please visit Stan’s website at www.managingfear.com
(The stats are from a few years back re: depression and PTSD)
Are you planning to update this book as it was published in 2003?
I might write another book down the road. For now, my book still covers the most up to date techniques in managing fear such as using the help of God and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Sometimes an easy to read book with simple and practical suggestions is the way to go and can be a starting off point to receiving guidance and possible solutions. The book does have a section on spirituality and mentions G-d. The full title of the book is: A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear: Using Psychology, Christianity and Non-Resistant Methods. Father Howard Campbell has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in systematic theology and divinity and Larry Sutton, clinical psychologist discuss examples and provide some insights and thoughts on common fears and anxiety.
My response to an invite to review Stanley’s book:
“The sound and practical advice offered in this book can benefit the ‘average’ person facing stress, anxiety and worrisome thoughts. The approaches described combine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which is then broken down into more simplistic and easy to understand and follow techniques of self-imagery, visualization, positive self-talk, usage of a journal to document positive words or phrases, relaxation techniques of listening to music and the benefits to exercise. As the title states, there is a focus on spirituality or seeking religious guidance of a priest or minister and using the Bible and spiritual verses to reduce stress and anxiety. Should one not be interested in this, they could skip over the section. The case scenarios used within are helpful. The author makes a point to suggest further professional options if needed of a psychologist or other mental health professional.”
Kudos to Stanley for seeking solutions to his own fears and for taking it a step further by sharing his solutions and techniques with others in a written format of a book.
By Victoria Brewster, MSW
Staff Writer
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