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Hmmm… a dead branch blew down in my front yard, our lights flickered a bit (we got a natural gas whole-house back-up last year, so we weren’t too worried) and our windows shook a bit. Extremely grateful- Maryland was just south of the worst, though the coasts here got battered.
I left from Oklahoma Sandy bound to work insurance claims. My plan was to make enough money to pay off some debt so I could go back to get my MSW. Having worked in a national call center in college I thought ‘What am I getting myself into, people in that area are rude?’ I was with my drunk uncle who had decades of insurance experience so I thought I was in great hands, not so much. He was a raging alcoholic who ended up costing me months of work, tens of thousands of dollars, and even more debt!
Back to Sandy, I saw so much devastation from Long Island to Newark to Hoboken to Bayonne to Morristown and everywhere in between. So much! Everywhere! What I saw the most of was people coming together, coming together as one! Being out in the midst of the devastation was the only enjoyable part of my trip. When I was in the hotel or out eating with my emotionally and verbally abusive drunken uncle I would lose faith in humanity. When I was out among the devastation my faith in humanity would become restored! Neighbors helping each other, strangers lending a hand, people giving their belongings to those who lost everything(I did too, even though I brought little with me), and kindness to everyone around!
I loved the tri-state area! You “Yankees” restored my faith when I needed it the most!